IMG Mt. Rainier Mountain School Itinerary
Day 1 The team will meet at 8 am on Day 1 at IMG HQ in Ashford, WA. After a brief pre-trip orientation, the team will do a gear check and take care of any rentals needed for the day. The team will then depart to Paradise and start the ascent to their training location for the day. The team will go through cramponing techniques, ice axe self-arrest, and rope management lessons. The team will return to IMG HQ with an expected return time of 5pm.
Day 2 Day 2 of the course will be at IMG HQ in Ashford. Guides will take climbers through a review of different self-rescue equipment, a knot-tying lesson, and an intro into rescue techniques. This review will consider the uses of different materials and gear and the appropriate knots for specific situations during rescue scenarios. After learning the basics of gear, the team will move into a lesson on self-rescue and rope ascension. Climbers will be able to practice vertical self-rescue on a rigged system at IMG HQ. Finally, the team will review building anchors and move into team rescue haul systems before concluding the day around 5pm.
Day 3 On Day 3, the team will be back in the field at Paradise. They will travel together to a suitable training area given weather conditions. The focus of the day's training will be team rescue systems. Climbers will practice catching a crevasse fall, building a snow anchor, and creating their haul system. After a full-day of technical training, the team will return to Ashford at around 5 pm for a team wrap-up.