IMG's Mt. Rainier Gear Lists
The equipment lists below are designed to help you identify everything you will need on your trip. Each piece of gear is accompanied by a description to help you understand its use and a recommended example. All items on this list are there for a reason, and unless otherwise specified, they are required.
IMG Rainier 3½ Day and 4½ Day Summit Climbs:
IMG Rainier DC Climbs Gear List
IMG Rainier Emmons Glacier Climb:
IMG Rainier Emmons Glacier Gear List
IMG Rainier Glacier Skills Seminar, Mt. Baker/Mt. Rainier Seminar, Mt. Rainier/Little Tahoma:
IMG Rainier Glacier Skills Seminar Gear List
IMG Rainier Denali | McKinley Expedition Seminar:
IMG Rainier Denali | McKinley Expedition Seminar Gear List
IMG Rainier Kautz and Fuhrer Finger Climbs:
IMG Rainier Kautz and Fuhrer Finger Gear List
IMG Rainier Crevasse Rescue School:
IMG Rainier Crevasse Rescue Gear List
IMG Guided Camp Muir Dayhike:
IMG Guided Camp Muir Dayhike Gear List
Rental Gear
Items available for rent from IMG's Affiliate, IMG Outfitters LLC at our headquarters in Ashford are indicated on each gear list by an asterisk. Rental items will be available on your check-in day. No need to reserve them in advance of your program.
Rental Gear and Rates
All Rainier Programs
When you meet for your IMG Rainier Program, your guides will inspect your gear and help you decide exactly what to bring. This could vary slightly from the list below depending on the route and forecasted weather.
Please pay attention to the Special Notes at the end of your gear list.
If you have any questions or have special gear needs, please contact us at: 360-569-2609 or