IMG Joshua Tree Itinerary
Day | Itinerary |
Day 1 | The group should plan to meet by 8:00 a.m. on the starting date at the Sheep Pass campground. Most members will want to arrive the night before, and camp at the group campsite.
Suggested Areas: Atlantis Wall, Trashcan Rock (Quail Springs), Thin Wall, Short Wall |
Day 2 |
Suggested Areas: Atlantis Wall, Thin Wall, Short Wall, Echo Cove |
Day 3 |
Suggested Areas: Atlantis Wall, Thin Wall, Short Wall, Echo Cove, Intersection Rock |
Day 4 |
Suggested Areas: Intersection Rock, Lost Horse Wall, Echo Cove*, Short Wall*, Dairy Queen Wall*, Hemmingway Buttress* |
Day 5 |
Suggested Areas: Intersection Rock, Lost Horse Wall, Echo Cove*, Short Wall*, Dairy Queen Wall*, Hemmingway Buttress* |
* This itinerary is a general guideline only. The actual course content will be determined by the guides and based on team preference, the skill level of individual participants and their learning rates. As always, the seminar focus will be on lots of climbing in a safe and supportive environment. There will be fun and challenges for all levels of climbers. Participants will be encouraged to advance at their own speed and within their personal comfort level.