IMG Joshua Tree Gear List
This equipment list is meant to help you compile your personal gear for a mountaineering expedition. Most items are required. Please consider each item carefully and be sure you understand the function of each piece of equipment before you substitute or delete items. Keep in mind that this list has been carefully compiled by George Dunn, the expedition organizer. Don't cut corners on the quality of your gear.
Joshua Tree is desert terrain, so plan a getting gritty and dirty after a day of climbing. Shower facilities are available in Joshua Tree for $3.00. Bring your own towel. Bring several changes of t-shirts and climbing pants. The rock is fairly course and rough textured, so durable climbing wear is a must. The weather can vary from very warm during the midday to breezy and chilly at night. A climbing helmet, a harness and a pair of rock shoes are the primary pieces of required specialized equipment. Rock shoes are available for rent from IMG and from Nomad Ventures in Joshua Tree. Cost is $7.50 per day.
Climbing Gear: | |
[ ] | Harness |
[ ] | UIAA Rated Climbing Helmet |
[ ] | 2 locking carabiners (pear shaped preferred) |
[ ] | Belay device (ATC or equivalent) |
[ ] | Rock Shoes (available for rent) |
[ ] | Chalk Bag (optional) |
[ ] | Athletic Tape (at least one large roll of 2" tape) |
[ ] | Day Pack |
Clothing: | |
[ ] | Several pairs of comfortable climbing pants |
[ ] | 1 or 2 pairs of shorts |
[ ] | T-shirts |
[ ] | Rain/windproof jacket |
[ ] | Fleece jacket |
[ ] | Windshirt (optional) |
[ ] | Lightweight Down Jacket (optional) |
[ ] | 1 polypro shirt |
[ ] | Light gloves |
[ ] | Warm hat |
[ ] | Sun Hat |
[ ] | several pairs of socks |
[ ] | Sun glasses |
[ ] | Sunscreen |
[ ] | Lip Balm with sunscreen |
[ ] | Approach shoes (ie. Tennis shoes) |
[ ] | Sandals |
Camping Gear: | |
[ ] | Sleeping Bag |
[ ] | Sleeping pad |
[ ] | Cup, Bowl, Spoon, Fork |
[ ] | Pocket Knife |
[ ] | Toiletries and toilet paper (all toilets in the park are pit toilets) |
[ ] | Headlamp or Flashlight |
[ ] | Camp Chair (optional) |
[ ] | Water Bottles (minimum of 3 liters, there is no water source inside the park. Recommended to bring a large collapsible water jug as well for camp use.) |
[ ] | Towel |
[ ] | Tent (arrangements can be made to share tent space amongst the group or rent from IMG) |
[ ] | Portable stove, cookgear |
Note on Camping/Lodging: it is also possible to stay in lodging just outside the Park each night if you prefer a bed and bath. Options in Joshua Tree include the High Desert Inn and the Joshua Tree Inn. In 29 Palms try the Best Western or Motel 6. Yucca Valley (further away) includes a Super 8 and The Sands.