IMG Smith Rocks Gear List
This equipment list is meant to help you compile your personal gear for a mountaineering expedition. Most items are required. Please consider each item carefully and be sure you understand the function of each piece of equipment before you substitute or delete items. Keep in mind that this list has been carefully compiled by George Dunn, the expedition organizer. Don't cut corners on the quality of your gear.
Climbing Gear | |
[ ] | Rock climbing shoes: All purpose rock shoes that fit snugly without socks. **See "Rental Rates" below. |
[ ] | Helmet: A good fitting UIAA approved climbing helmet. |
[ ] | Harness: Should be comfortable to hang in. Adjustable leg loops and gear loops are both helpful. |
[ ] | Prusik Slings: Bring a couple of pre-tied 7mm. prusik loops if you have them. One or two sewn 24" webbing runners may also be useful. |
[ ] | Carabiners: Two locking pear shaped biners and two non-locking, minimum. |
[ ] | Belay Device: Black Diamond ATC or comparable. |
[ ] | Chalk Bag with chalk. |
Optional climbing gear | |
[ ] | Any other rock climbing equipment that you have. |
[ ] | Leather gloves for rappelling. |
[ ] | 15 - 20 feet of 7mm. cord for linking anchors or constructing prusiks. |
For your body | |
[ ] | Hiking Shoes: One pair of approach or trekking shoes. |
[ ] | Socks: A few pairs of socks for walking to and from the crags. |
[ ] | Liner Socks: One pair of liner socks can be nice in your rock shoes on cooler days. |
[ ] | Pants: A durable pair of pants that allow great flexibility. Schoeller fabric, or nylon trekking pants usually work best. Some people like to climb in tights. |
[ ] | Shorts: Again, durable and flexible. |
[ ] | T-shirts: Enough to get you through a few days of heavy sweating. |
[ ] | Shirt: Expedition weight synthetic. |
[ ] | Fleece Jacket: for early morning and evenings. |
[ ] | Shell Jacket: Waterproof jacket with hood. |
[ ] | Shell Pants: Waterproof. |
[ ] | Baseball Cap/ Sun Hat. |
[ ] | Warm hat and light gloves: Nice when the sun sets or early morning in the shade. |
[ ] | Sun Glasses |
[ ] | Suncream |
[ ] | Lip balm |
[ ] | Water Bottle: One quart, wide mouth plastic bottle. |
[ ] | Sack lunches for each day. |
[ ] | Pack: Good sized daypack to carry spare clothes, food and gear for the day. |
[ ] | First Aid Kit: Each individual should carry a small kit to meet their personal needs. Recommendations include: Aspirin or Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Band-Aids, gauze pads, moleskin and any necessary personal prescription drugs. Definitely throw in a large roll of 2" athletic tape for taping hands as necessary. |
Optional | |
[ ] | Camera and extra battery |
[ ] | Bandana |
[ ] | Crazy Creek chair |
Shoe rental will be available at Redpoint Climbers Supply in Terrebone. The cost is $8.00 per day for one day and $6.00 per day for multiple days. You can call a few days ahead of time and reserve a pair. 1-800-923-6207