IMG Manaslu Climb Gear List
This equipment list is meant to help you compile your personal gear for a high altitude trekking trip. Most items are required. Please consider each item carefully and be sure you understand the function of each piece of equipment before you substitute or delete items from your duffle. This list has been carefully compiled by Eric Simonson, the expedition organizer. Please don't cut corners on the quality of your gear.
Travel Items | |
[ ] | Duffel Bags: One duffle will accompany you on the trek to BC. Climbers will need a second duffel, which will be packed with the mountain equipment and which will go direct to BC. Duffels are carried by porters, mules and yaks and should be sturdy and waterproof with your name written on bag (in case the tag gets lost). Bags with wheels are nice for the airport, but the porters and yaks don't like to carry them, so don't bring wheeled bags. You will also store some travel clothes at the hotel in Kathmandu while trekking, so a smaller additional bag with a lock might be handy. Tip: Bring 5 large plastic garbage bags to pack gear inside duffels to protect gear from rain. |
[ ] | Daypack: Large daypack or bag with a shoulder strap, so you don't have to set it down while doing the duffle shuffle or handling travel documents while going through passport control and customs at the airport. It needs to be big enough to hold everything you'll need for an overnight stop. |
[ ] | Locks: You'll want padlocks in Nepal, but for flying out of the USA, it might be better to use plastic zip ties which can be cut by TSA staff if necessary (bring extra zip ties). |
[ ] | Travel Wallet: Important for carrying your important documents including passport, extra photos, duffel inventory list, and money. We suggest that you use a travel wallet that you can hang around your neck and place inside your shirt, or around your waist tucked under your shirt or trousers. |
[ ] | Passport (valid for at least 6 months after the trip ends with sufficient extra pages for visa stamps and in same name as airline ticket (or with endorsement-for women who changed name w/ marriage). Getting your Nepal visa on arrival in Kathmandu at the airport is easy. |
[ ] | 2 additional passport photos for Nepal visas and local Sim card.
Trekking Gear | |
[ ] | Trekking Poles: Poles come in handy for balance and easing impact to your knees. Get collapsible poles that can attach to your backpack. |
[ ] | Backpacks: The "day pack" is great for a travel carry-on and may be big enough for the trek (need room for your clothes, water, camera, food, etc. during the day while hiking). Climbers will need a larger pack (50-60 liter size is popular) and this will also be fine for the trek. For the international flights put your backpack into a duffle bag. |
[ ] | Pack Cover: Waterproof rain cover for your pack. |
[ ] | Sleeping Bag: Rated to -20° Fahrenheit. Base Camp can get down to around 0-10° F at night... so quite chilly. Many climbers like to bring a second sleeping bag, so you can leave on at Base Camp and take the other higher up. We have a limited number of minus 20° F down sleeping bags for rent for $200. Please let us know by the 120 day final payment due date if you wish to rent one. |
[ ] | Thermarest type inflatable pad to augment the closed cell pads we will supply.
Footwear | |
[ ] | Lightweight Shoes: Running/tennis shoes and sandals for camp, around town, etc. |
[ ] | Hiking Boots: Medium-weight hiking boots, waterproofed and broken-in. |
[ ] | Gaiters: To keep snow, mud, and scree out of your hiking boots. |
[ ] | Socks: 5 complete changes of socks, in a combination that you have used and know works for you. Make sure your boots are roomy enough for the sock combination you intend to use. Tight boots will make your feet cold.
Clothing | |
[ ] | Base Layer: 2 pair synthetic long johns: one midweight set and one expedition weight set. |
[ ] | Mid Layers: Two additional warm layer (wool sweater, another fleece jacket, shelled vest, etc., that can be worn in conjunction to the other layers). |
[ ] | Shell Jacket: Waterproof/breathable jacket with hood. |
[ ] | Shell Pants: Waterproof/breathable pants (full side zips are best). |
[ ] | Climbing/Trekking Pants: Look for construction that provides freedom of movement and/or stretch materials. Fabric should be a breathable synthetic that preferably holds up to abrasion and dries quickly. You can wear them over long johns if it is cold. |
[ ] | Warm Parka: Down or synthetic. This should be big enough to go over other garments. Many climbers also like insulated pants for cold mornings and evenings at BC. |
[ ] | Trekking Clothes: Light hiking pants and / or hiking shorts for warm weather down low- NOT cotton. Shirts for hiking on nice days (t-shirts OK, quick-drying synthetic fabric far better.) |
[ ] | Casual Clothes: For travel/meals in dining rooms. You'll want a shirt or two with a collar to wear on flights and for restaurants. A sweatshirt or light jacket might be nice in the evening. |
[ ] | Bathing Suit: Some of the hotels have pools
Clothing Accessories | |
[ ] | Gloves:
[ ] | Hats:
[ ] | A "Buff" or light balaclava to breathe through in cold dry air, for preventing "Khumbu cough"
Camp Accessories | |
[ ] | Headlamps (BOTH a primary and a backup) with several sets of lithium batteries. |
[ ] | Water Bottles: 2 water bottles with foam insulation shells |
[ ] | Pee Bottle |
[ ] | Water Treatment: Iodine tablets (Potable Aqua) iodine crystals (Polar Pure) or Steripen. |
[ ] | Camera: With spare batteries and a large capacity memory card. Consider a small, high capacity USB to make swapping photos with teammates easier. |
[ ] | Pocket Knife |
[ ] | Bowl, Cup, Spoon
Personal Accessories | |
[ ] | Wrist Watch: With alarm and light for reading in the dark. We like the Suunto ones. |
[ ] | Eyewear: Bring good sunglasses. For contact lens wearers, ski goggles with light color lenses (for use at night) might be useful in windy conditions that cause blowing dust. |
[ ] | Vision correction: Bring extra prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses if you wear them. Lens solutions are not widely available in Nepal, bring enough. |
[ ] | Skin Care: Maximum SPF sunscreen and lip balm. |
[ ] | Basic First Aid and personal: Bring plenty of hand sanitizer (Purell). Also you'll want moleskin, tape, aspirin (many climbers take an 81mg aspirin every day to prevent stroke), ibuprofen / acetaminophen, Imodium and Pepto Bismol for diarrhea, Band-Aids, antacid, insect repellant, ear plugs, and several rolls of toilet paper (we will have a supply at Base Camp), small towel, soap/shampoo, a few disposable dust masks, hand lotion. |
[ ] | Prescription Medications:
[ ] | Cold medicine (Sudafed, etc.) |
[ ] | Chloroseptic or Tessalon Perles throat lozenges |
[ ] | High altitude snacks: Summit climbers should bring approximately 3 pounds of high-altitude snacks they know they will like to eat up high! You can also bring some drink mixes if you like these (add to your water bottle after giving iodine tablets 30 minutes of contact time). |
[ ] | Personal entertainment including a Kindle, iPhone, Music, etc. |
[ ] | Solar Panel with External Battery Pack for recharging your personal electronics |
[ ] | KN95 masks to wear in enclosed spaces, we suggest at least 12 |
[ ] | 12 "At Home" Covid-19 test kits
Climbers Specific Gear: | |
[ ] | Ice axe: We like a general purpose axe in the 60-70 cm range, depending upon your height and the type of climbing you anticipate. A wrist leash is useful for wearing while crossing snow bridges or on steep slopes where losing an axe would be a big problem. A spike with a point is preferable to a tubular shape (which can glance off the ice at certain angles). |
[ ] | Crampons: The number one rule with crampons is that they need to stay on your boots no matter what. Make sure your boots are compatible with your crampons. Avoid "cookie cutter" crampons with a vertical side rail. They tend to ball up in soft snow. Mono points, heel hooks, and various technical ice paraphernalia may be great for an icicle but are unnecessary for this climb. |
[ ] | Helmet |
[ ] | Pocketknife |
[ ] | Climbing Harness: We prefer a harness with a minimum of padding that can be adjusted to fit over bulky clothing with leg loops that open up, so you don't have to step into them |
[ ] | Ascenders & Hardware:
[ ] | Warm shelled mittens (down or similar insulated preferred) |
[ ] | Plastic double boots and overboots or many climbers prefer the Triple Boots which have an integrated gaiter. |
[ ] | 1 pair of Glacier glasses (Bringing a spare pair as backup would be good) |
[ ] | A "Buff" or light balaclava to breathe through in the cold dry air |
[ ] | Goggles (including light yellow or clear lens for night if it is cold) |
[ ] | Small repair kit |
[ ] | Good 1-liter thermos bottle for high altitude |
[ ] | Extra socks (you can hand wash socks and underwear at BC, no problem). |
[ ] | Down pants that work with the down parka, or a down suit. Summit day can be very cold! Many climbers also like insulated pants for cold mornings and evenings at BC.