IMG Chamonix Alpine Climbs Gear List
This equipment list is meant to help you compile your personal gear for a mountaineering expedition. Most items are required. Please consider each item carefully and be sure you understand the function of each piece of equipment before you substitute or delete items. Keep in mind that this list has been carefully compiled by George Dunn, the expedition organizer. Don't cut corners on the quality of your gear.
[ ] | Boots: Lug-sole leather/synthetic climbing boots. A modern, technical single boot will foot the bill. A more flexible boot is better on the rock (like the La Sportiva Trango S Evo). A more rigid boot is better on snow and ice (like the La Sportiva Nepal Top). Bring your favorite, best fitting boot. |
[ ] | Rock Shoes: Highly recommended! A comfortable fitting, all purpose rock shoe is best. One that is comfortable on longer days. You can purchase these in Chamonix. |
[ ] | Socks: 2 changes of heavy wool or synthetic |
[ ] | Gaiters, Ankle length |
[ ] | Longjohns: Synthetic tops and bottoms |
[ ] | Pants: Synthetic stretch climbing pants (Schoeller fabric) or light fleece |
[ ] | Shell pants: With full length zippers to go on over boots and crampons. Light is right. |
[ ] | Shirt: Expedition weight (100 weight "Polartec") |
[ ] | Fleece Jacket |
[ ] | Rain/wind shell: Waterproof/breathable jacket with hood. Light fabric is nice! |
[ ] | Belay parka: Down or synthetic filled - should NOT be expedition weight. A sewn through down sweater or a Patagonia Micro Puff Pullover jacket will do nicely. |
[ ] | Hat: Wool or fleece |
[ ] | Sun hat |
[ ] | Gloves: Insulated Gore-Tex climbing gloves and fleece liners. |
[ ] | Ice axe: 50-55 cm. maximum length. A shorter axe is preferred since it stows on the pack more easily when not in use. |
[ ] | Crampons: 12 point, reasonably sharp |
[ ] | Seat harness |
[ ] | Carabiners: Two locking pear shaped biners. Bring a couple of non-lockers if you have them |
[ ] | Climbing helmet UIAA rated climbing helmet |
[ ] | Headlamp: Bring a lightweight LED with an extra set of batteries |
[ ] | Sunglasses: Very dark, with full side protection. Spare pair recommended |
[ ] | Water bottles: 2 one-quart, wide mouth, plastic bottles. Consider a Camel Back type hydration system that fits in your pack for the long days. |
[ ] | Sun cream: And lip balm, SPF 15 or higher |
[ ] | Pack: Internal frame pack with capacity of NO MORE THAN 30-35 liters (1800-2200 cu.in.).This should be a compact, streamlined pack. No big McKinley packs, please. |
[ ] | One (1) collapsible, three section ski pole |
[ ] | First aid kit: Each individual should carry a small personal first aid kit to meet their personal needs. Consider the following items: aspirin or Tylenol; Ibuprofin; antacid (Pepto Bismol, Rolaids, etc.); Bandaids; athletic tape; moleskin or Compede. |
[ ] | Lightweight toilet kit - toothbrush and toothpaste, earplugs for the huts |
[ ] | Hiking shorts; T-shirts |
[ ] | Light approach shoes or tennis shoes (can double for in town wear) |
[ ] | Small digital camera |