IMG Mt. Baker TaiChi Climb Gear List
This equipment list is meant to help you compile your personal gear for a mountaineering expedition. Most items are required. Please consider each item carefully and be sure you understand the function of each piece of equipment before you substitute or delete items. Keep in mind that this list has been carefully compiled by the expedition organizer. Don't cut corners on the quality of your gear.
Clothing | |
[ ] | Long underwear top and bottom (light to medium weight) |
[ ] | Fleece or soft shell jacket *** |
[ ] | Stretchy, dense weave synthetic climbing pants |
[ ] | Waterproof/ breathable shell with hood *** |
[ ] | Waterproof/ breathable pants (full to ¾ length side zips preferred) *** |
[ ] | Warm, roomy down or synthetic jacket with hood (not an 8,000 meter jacket) *** |
[ ] | Wool or fleece hat |
[ ] | Waterproof Insulated climbing gloves (ski gloves will do) *** |
[ ] | Fleece or medium weight climbing gloves |
[ ] | Wool or wool/synthetic climbing socks (one extra change) |
[ ] | Baseball or sun cap |
[ ] | Synthetic T-shirt (white works best for sun reflection) |
[ ] | Nylon Hiking shorts optional for mid-summer warm hikes in to basecamp
Gear | |
[ ] | Full size internal frame pack, 55 to 65 liters (around 4,000 cu. in.) *** |
[ ] | Sleeping bag with stuff sack, rated to at least 20°F depending on season. |
[ ] | Sleeping pad |
[ ] | Plastic double mountaineering boots *** or single leather climbing boots- must be rigid soled and insulated |
[ ] | Gaiters to fit over your boots |
[ ] | Crampons, fitted to your boots *** |
[ ] | Complete block sunscreen and lip balm |
[ ] | Ice Axe, 60 or 70 cm. in length *** |
[ ] | Climbing harness, preferably with gear loops and adjustable leg loops. *** |
[ ] | Climbing helmet *** |
[ ] | 2 carabiners ( to include at least one locking pear shaped or HMS carabiner) |
[ ] | Adjustable ski or trekking poles *** |
[ ] | LED headlamp, bring an extra set of batteries |
[ ] | Dark glasses, UV rated with side protection (wrap around or side shields) |
[ ] | Double lens ski goggles |
[ ] | Two wide-mouth plastic water bottles, 1 liter capacity |
[ ] | Pocket knife |
[ ] | Plastic bowl, plastic insulated mug, spoon |
[ ] | Camera or cellphone |
[ ] | Personal lunch food for three days. Bring a variety of your favorite foods. Include easy to eat non-perishable snacks for the trail. |
[ ] | Light toiletries: toothbrush and paste, small roll of t.p., ear plugs for sleeping |
[ ] | Personal FA kit to include moleskin or blister pads, a few Band-Aids, tape, aspirin, Advil, any required personal rescriptions. |
[ ] | 1 or 2 Large heavy duty plastic garbage bags for waterproofing inside of pack. |
*** Indicates available for rent from IMG: see our rental form. Your guide will bring your rental gear to you at the meeting location. Because of the lack of ability to try them on in advance, we recommend renting boots at REI in Seattle or other commercial outfits.