July 4, 2019 It has been a week of celebrations for our Rainier climbs with summits on the DC, Fuhrer Finger, and Kautz routes. Additionally, our Glacier Skills Seminar and our Women’s Climb both topped out for an overall excellent transition from June to July! If you’re thinking about climbing Rainier or taking a training […]
Posts tagged "img"
Fresh Snow On Rainier

May 18, 2018 The weather on Rainier has calmed a bit and the sun is shining today. IMG Lead Guide, Willie Webster, and his team are up at Muir training this morning and will head to the Ingraham Flats Camp this afternoon. A couple of the guides on the trip have ascended ahead of Willie […]
The 2019 Rainier Season Is On!

May 5, 2019 The Rainier season is officially underway with the first DC climb of 2019 hiking up through Paradise as we speak. The weather looks stable, if a bit warm, with 10,000′ freezing levels. IMG Guides, Jay Lyons (far left) & Ryan Dougherty (far right), summited early yesterday as part of a team that […]
New Openings On The DC/Emmons/Kautz!

April 24, 2019 We have two new openings on the 3.5 Day DC Summit Climb! May 20-23 May 24-27 We also have the following availability: 4.5 Day Emmons June 15-19 4.5 Day Kautz June 29 – July 3 Email your application packet to office@mountainguides.com today! IMG HQ
Putha Hiunchuli Expedition 2019

April 23, 2019 If you’ve been following IMG’s current Himalayan season and it has you itching to climb a big mountain yourself, you should seriously consider our Putha Hiunchuli Expedition this September 16 – October 18! We first climbed 23,773′ Putha Hiunchuli (POO-ta hoo-en-CHOO-lee) in 2017 and are excited to return to this remote mountain […]
Available Mountaineering Courses with IMG – Summer 2019

April 23, 2019 We still have availability on this summer’s mountaineering courses! Take one at a time or take them on consecutive days. Either way, you’ll be a better mountaineer and safer climbing partner when you’re done! MDS = Mountain Day School AMDS = Advanced Mountain Day School CRS = Crevasse Rescue School May 17 […]
IMG Crevasse Rescue Courses Available

April 19, 2019 If you are planning a glacier climb in the Cascades this summer, you and your teammates will need the requisite crevasse rescue skills. IMG’s two day Crevasse Rescue School is the perfect place to learn the knots, anchors, and systems that are mandatory for any mountain climber. We have availability on the […]
IMG’s 5th Denali Prep Team Checks In From Muir

April 18, 2019 Our 5th Denali Prep Seminar of 2019 made the trip up to Camp Muir yesterday after spending two days and nights working on their expedition camping skills at the 6,200′ Marmot Hill Camp. They had blue skies and sunshine for their sled hauling day out of Paradise, but the weather has since […]
Don’t Miss IMG’s Last 2019 ‘Prep For Rainier’ Seminar – REI Seattle – April 24

April 17, 2019 IMG has been teaming up with local REI stores in Washington for a 90 minute seminar on “How to Prep for Mt. Rainierâ€. So far, we’ve had a great turn out and have been excited to see many new faces. The seminar reviews popular climbing routes (DC, Emmons, Kautz) and how to […]
100% Summit Success Rate On Mt. Whitney For 2019

April 16, 2019 The Mt Whitney programs have come to an end for this year and we are happy to report that all four programs were 100% successful at reaching the summit. My congratulations to each of the teams! We’ll be posting 2020 dates here shortly on the IMG website and look forward to seeing […]