January 3, 2023 Jonny Schrock and Jason Tanguay, IMG Senior Guides leading Aconcagua Teams 2 and 3 both reporting in today as their teams make their ways up Aconcagua. Jonny’s Team 2 is making a carry to Camp 1 and will descend back to Base Camp to rest and continue acclimatizing at Plaza Argentina. Jason […]
Posts tagged "Argentina"
Climb Aconcagua in January 2022 with Nickel Wood
We are excited to announce our IMG Guide for the January 8-30, 2022 Aconcagua Expedition – Nickel Wood. That’s correct! Nickel will be returning to Aconcagua this season and we’re looking forward to having you join him and the team this winter. Aconcagua is one of the great mountains of the world. At 22,841 […]
Aconcagua Availability!

November 21, 2019 If Aconcagua is on your winter ‘wish list’, let’s make it happen! We have room on the following climbs: December 14, led by Jonathan Schrock January 25, led by Rikki Dunn February 1, led by Robert Jantzen Why not start the new year off right by climbing one of the Seven Summits […]
‘Hell of a go’ on Aconcagua

January 21, 2019 Our third expedition on Aconcagua is back at high camp, safe and sound, after a ‘hell of a go’. Got into the base of the Caneleta this morning but winds and low temperatures kept the crew from making a safe ascent. At the end of the day, discretion always has to win out […]
Weekend Update – Vinson, Aconcagua, Ecuador

January 18, 2019 Let’s get everyone updated on the progress of groups ‘down South’ before the weekend. Vinson – doing some serious ‘relaxin’. Team is at Vinson base camp waiting for the Twin Otter to be able to fly them over to Union Glacier camp. A bit too foggy now but the IL 76 is […]