Our Rainier climbing teams were able to summit over the weekend with one team lead by Timm Phillips summiting on Thursday and one team led by Kevin Kayl on summiting Saturday. Congratulations to all climbers on putting in the hard effort required to reach the top!
Denali Teams 6 & 7 on top!
June 30, 2021
We are happy to report that our last two IMG Denali teams for 2021 reached the summit yesterday and are now back to 17 Camp.  Congrats to Andy Polloczek and Nicole Sims and their respective climbers and guides, they did a nice job with the Denali weather chess match.  Today they will be descending back down the West Buttress to 14,000 Camp (and maybe further), and then on down the Kahlitna Glacer. We’ll keep you posted!
Eric Simonson
Denali Teams moving into position
June 28, 2021
Nicole and her Team 6 moved up to 17 Camp yesterday, and are taking an active rest day today while working on the camp.  Now,  Andy and his Team 7 are moving up to 17K today. We’ll keep our fingers crossed on the weather. Hopefully the two teams can climb together to the summit! Meanwhile, back in Talkeetna Dallas’ Team 5 flew off yesterday and are on their way to SEA today.
Eric Simonson
More Denali Summits
June 24, 2021
Our remaining three IMG Denali teams are each following a different strategy, to be flexible with the weather and their respective capabilities.   Denali is currently getting hit by a weather system that is bringing snow and wind to the Alaska Range. Dallas and his Team 5 were feeling strong and moved to 17 Camp Tuesday, all reached the summit Wednesday, then descended back to 14 Camp to stay ahead of the weather. Nicole and her Team 6 decided to hold up at 14 Camp and take a few more days for acclimatization, before they move up to take their shot. Finally, Andy and the Team 7 moved up from 11 Camp yesterday, in order to get into 14 Camp before the wind and snow started. Now, all three teams are together at 14, hanging out waiting for the storm to dissipate, before continuing on their different strategies. Welcome to the Denali chess match. All’s well on The Great One!
Eric Simonson
Denali Weekend Update
Denali weekend update:
Our Denali teams checked in and everyone is where they should be. Dallas and Nicole’s teams 5 & 6 are at 14,000 enjoying an active rest day with some training. Lower down, Andy’s Team 7 made it safely to the Camp 1 at 7800 feet. Sounds like it got colder and clouded up overnight, with some snowfall, which made for well frozen conditions for glacier travel on the Lower Kahiltna. So far so good on Denali.
Eric Simonson
IMG Denali Team 7 on the way
June 18, 2021
IMG leader Andy Polloczek reports that the food is packed, the duffels are stacked, and that Team 7 are set to fly! By now they should all be on the Kahiltna Glacier, ready to begin their chess match with Denali. Higher up on the hill leaders Dallas and Nicole report that their respective Teams 5&6 are doing well. They both took rest days at 11,000 feet yesterday after carrying their loads up around Windy Corner the day before. Today they are moving their camps up to 14,000 feet. All’s well on Denali!
Eric Simonson
IMG Denali teams enjoying good weather
June 15, 2021

The view down the Kahiltna from near 10,000 feet with Foraker and Kahiltna Dome on right (Eric Simonson)
IMG leaders Nicole Sims and Dallas Glass report that their respective teams are doing well, and have been making good progress.  They have been moving at “night†which is a bit of a misnomer since it is never dark in Alaska this time of year. Their goal down low on the mountain is to move while the snow is firm and before the sun climbs above Denali and starts to cook.  Both teams are now at the 9800 ft camp, heading up to 11,000 shortly. The weather on Denali recently has been good for climbers, with one more day expected before the next front comes in. So far so good on Denali!
Eric Simonson
IMG Denali Teams 5 & 6 on the way!
June 12, 2021
IMG Denali Guides Nicole Sims and Dallas Glass checked in this morning to report the weather was good for flying today, and that their respective custom teams are ready to go. With Nicole Sims is Assistant guide Rowan Stewart, with Khai and Milind. With Dallas is Assistant guide Keith Rumburg, with Iulia, Delia, and Ross. Dallas sent a final picture from the airplane, as they headed for the Glacier.  It looks like a great day for flying in Alaska!
Eric Simonson
Denali Reload
June 10, 2021
- Talkeetna on the bank of the Susitna River with the Talkeetna River joining on the left (Eric Simonson)
Our IMG Denali Team 4 got flown out of Kahiltna Base Camp this morning after waiting two days for flyable weather.   Now they are all back in Talkeetna getting their showers, packing up, and plotting their next move. That marks the end of our first wave of teams, and the beginning of the second wave. Today we have our IMGD Teams 5 & 6 heading up to Talkeetna to get in position to fly in to the mountain in the next couple days.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate for them. So far so good on Denali!
Eric Simonson
July Bolivia Trip is confirmed!
June 8, 2021
We have 1 spot left on the roster for the Bolivia Trip set to depart in July. IMG Senior Guide Adam Clark will be heading down to Bolivia again to work with our world class team of Bolivian Guides including Jesus and Roberto. Adam is a great guide with a ton of experience climbing and guiding around the world including Bolivia, Alaska and Nepal. If you have big mountain climbing dreams, there is no better place to train and having Adam at the helm, how can you miss out?!
Questions or ready to sign up, ask here.
Greg Vernovage