September 25, 2013
- Team descending from C2 (Mike Hamill)
- Brenda Climbing the Ice Cliff (Mike Hamill)
- Lisete Rapelling the Ice Cliff (Mike Hamill)
Mike Hamill reports that “with the C2 rotation complete, the team is enjoying a few days of R+R at ABC doing laundry, taking hot showers, and eating great food. Yesterday we had burgers, fries, and salad for lunch with warm cinnamon rolls for desert. Thanks Kaji!  The team is doing really well. Over the next few days we’ll pack for the summit rotation, review the oxygen system and make sure the team is ready to roll. Attached are a few photos from the C2 rotationâ€.
The weather forecast is still a bit “iffyâ€. While the big picture remains good with the jet stream  well to the north, and no major storms lurking in the Bay of Bengal, there remains a weak southerly flow with some of the models showing more moisture coming in over the next few days.
Eric Simonson