January 15th, 2018 IMG has some news from each of our teams south of the equator. First and foremost, Greg Vernovage, Luke Reilly and their team summited Vinson today and have begun their descent. I spoke with Greg 15 minutes ago. He said it was a little breezy but folks did well and that they’re […]
Vinson (Antarctica)
All Well in the Southern Hemisphere

January 14, 2018 Let’s get caught up with the comings and goings for IMG teams in the Southern Hemisphere. Report from Emily and Romulo in Ecuador was — close but no cigar. Great morning for climbing but just couldn’t find a way around, over or through the schrund right below the summit of Antisana. Team […]
Weather Has Been Good to the Vinson Team

January 11th, 2018 Let’s get caught up with the team on Vinson. Everyone understands that flying to the interior of Antarctica can be problematic, at best. 2000 miles (more or less), land on hard ice in an IL 76, then fly another hour in a ski-equipped Twin Otter to Vinson base camp. What could possibly […]
On Their Way and Right on Time

January 9th, 2018 Greg got off one last email before heading to the airport in Punta Arenas this morning. It’s a GO! On their way and right on time. “We got the call that it is time to go! One last shower to wake up and down to the lobby to catch a ride to […]
Vinson Team 2 – Prepped and ready to go!

January 8, 2017 Time to report on Vinson Massif again. Team 2 is in Punta and about ready to fly. Here’s today’s report from Greg Vernovage, Expedition Leader. Greg will be assisted by IMG Senior Guide, Luke Reilly. “Phil, The Vinson Team has now arrived with all of their gear to Punta Arenas. We […]
Vinson Team Heading Home

December 15th, 2017 Good news from the Ice. The Team is literally making their last walk on the Ice right now. Heading to the ice runway to meet the incoming IL76, their ride back to Punta Arenas and home. Time to do some last minute shopping for the holidays. Congratulations, once more, to Justin, Emily […]
Making Progress

December 13th, 2017 The team was able to fly from Vinson base camp to Union Glacier camp today. A small step but an important one. They are now totally comfortable in the big ALE base camp, with all meals prepared for them and served in a large, heated mess tent with tables and chairs and […]
Holding Strong at Vinson Base Camp

December 12th, 2017 Best laid plans……as they say. Weather did not permit a flight off the Ice for the team on the 12th. Team is still at Vinson base camp. If the weather says ‘no’, no one flies. Earliest flight now is scheduled for 15 or 16 December. Not the ideal scenario but it is […]
Vinson in the Rear View Mirror

December 11th, 2017 The IMG team is sitting pretty at Vinson base camp. Everyone made the big descent yesterday in good form. Now it’s again up to the Vinson weather gods to allow the team off the Ice and get back home. Best case scenario now is for a flight off the Ice on the […]
Success on Vinson

December 10, 2017 Justin checked in first thing Sunday morning to let us know the team was up, had broken camp and already was working their way down the 1200 m of fixed rope between high camp and C1. By the time you read this post, they should already be down the ropes. From the […]