January 8, 2019 IMG Senior Guide, Luke Reilly, is in Punta Arenas, Chile with our second Vinson expedition for this season. They’ve been shopping, packing, doing gear checks and getting acquainted. Today’s their briefing with ALE, the flight service. That’s a fun get together, as the team learns more about all the logistics involved […]
Vinson (Antarctica)
Aconcagua Team Hikes out – Vinson Team at High Camp

January 3, 2019 Jonathan Schrock and his Aconcagua team are doing a power walk today. Plaza Mulas to the trailhead, then the ‘duffle shuffle’ and then driving to Mendoza. The horses are definitely heading for the barn. A long day, for sure, but made infinitely easier with the knowledge that this team busted butt, […]
Aconcagua and Vinson Updates

January 2, 2019 Jonathan, Martin and Co. have escaped the winds at C3 and are now down at the Plaza de Mulas basecamp. This crew has simply done a super job. The tradition at basecamp after a successful climb like this is to put down a couple slices of pizza and wash it down with […]
Aconcagua Summit!

January 1, 2019 Jonathan called in to say Happy New Year and let us know that they reached the summit of Aconcagua. This is a a job well done. Their patience, determination and hard work paid off. I really can’t think of a better way to start the new year than standing on the highest […]
Updates From Around the Globe: Kili, Vinson and Aconcagua

December 29, 2018 We’ve got updates from IMG expeditions on Kilimanjaro, Vinson and Aconcagua. Let’s start with Kili… As reported earlier, everyone summited this morning in excellent conditions and returned to high camp without issue. The good news continued with an afternoon update saying that everyone is down at Mweka Camp, in the lap of […]
Vinson Team Heads to the Ice!

December 28, 2018 Breaking news – We just received word that the Vinson team is in the air and heading south. No smoother way to start to a Vinson trip! Phil Ershler
Vinson Season Off and Rolling!

December 28, 2018 It’s Vinson Massif time. What a way to start the new year! Especially fun when we have a custom, family-group trip with one of our top IMG Senior Guides, Austin Shannon. Everyone arrived in Punta Arenas, Chile without problems. Poor Austin, however, had to leave home on Christmas day. Guess that’s just […]
Busy in South America

December 27, 2018 Andy and his team woke up to strong winds this morning and the tents were rattling all night. This custom private trip did a heck of a job on the mountain this year and decided to play it conservative and head down to Plaza de Mulas this morning. This group had a […]
Two Teams are Heading Home

January 18th, 2018 The Ecuador team is on their way home AND so is the Vinson team. Heard from Greg this morning and they were literally heading onto the IL 76 for their flight back to Punta Arenas. Go figure – off the Ice with a great summit and 2 days AHEAD of the […]
Catching Up with Our Teams Down South

January 17th, 2018 OK, catch up time with all the IMG teams ‘down south’. Greg, Luke and the Vinson team got down to Vinson base camp yesterday. No word today so their either still at Vinson base or have moved over to the Union Glacier camp. Possible flight off the Ice tomorrow. Has not […]