December 3, 2019 100% on the summit of Vinson this morning. Congratulations to Justin and the team. They plan on spending this evening at high camp and get down to Vinson base camp tomorrow and, hopefully, fly over to Union Glacier later that evening. Weather is good and forecast remains good for the next couple […]
Vinson (Antarctica)
“All Going to Plan” in Antarctica

December 1, 2019 I love Justin’s messages from the Vinson Expedition he’s leading: “No sun but no wind. Not too hot. Perfect day for a carry to the top of the fixed rope. Team did well. They’re strong. Came back down here (C1) and it’s ripping now at high camp. You can hear it from […]
Antarctica Team in C1

November 29, 2019 Happy Thanksgiving to the team on the Ice and from the team on the Ice to family and friends. All is well. They haven’t stopped moving since they left home back on the 23rd. Flights, packing, briefings, gear checks. Then, more flights to the Ice and they’ve already made their carry and […]
Vinson Team On The Move

November 26, 2019 It’s always summer somewhere. Seems a bit odd to say that about Antarctica but it’s the truth. The Austral summer has begun and so has the Vinson climbing season . AND, right on schedule. IMG’s first team for the season arrived in Punta on the 24th, prepped and organized on the 25th, […]
Vinson Done right

January 21, 2019 The season down in Antarctica is now complete. Weather cooperated, the team stayed healthy and well-prepared. It all made for an excellent adventure with all members standing on the summit in pretty much perfect conditions. Everyone has now returned to Punta Arenas, Chile and some are starting flights home today. Great way […]
Weekend Update – Vinson, Aconcagua, Ecuador

January 18, 2019 Let’s get everyone updated on the progress of groups ‘down South’ before the weekend. Vinson – doing some serious ‘relaxin’. Team is at Vinson base camp waiting for the Twin Otter to be able to fly them over to Union Glacier camp. A bit too foggy now but the IL 76 is […]
Updates from South America & Antarctica

January 16, 2019 Time, again, to relay updates from our teams in South America and Antarctica. Let’s start with Vinson Massif. I literally just spoke with Luke Reilly and team on the summit of Vinson. Not a puff of wind and all members doing well and standing on the summit. High camp tonight and Vinson […]
Teams Down South – Update

January 15, 2019 Let’s get caught up on teams down South. ECUADOR – Cayambe and Cotopaxi – done. Two great summits. Four team members are now prepping and heading off to Chimborazo for a summit attempt. ACONCAGUA – all is well. Moving to C1 at 16K feet is the next order of business. Necessary to establish 3 camps […]
Down South!

January 11, 2019 Here’s a quick update for IMG teams down South, farther South, and really far South. Jay, Romulo and their successful Ecuador team are now getting prepped for an attempt on Cotopaxi. The mountain was ‘off limits’ for a while because of eruptive activity but things have settled down and are back to […]
Vinson Teams In the Air

January 9, 2019 Down on the Ice, one team is heading in and one team is heading out. Austin Shannon’s team will be back home day after tomorrow and Luke Reilly and crew will start working their way up Vinson. Flight was scheduled for today so it’s right on time. That’s no small accomplishment […]