December 21, 2014 The good fortune continues. Mike and Team Taylor made a carry Saturday up to high camp. It went well. Sunday was a rest day at C1. Forecast is reasonable so the plan for Monday is to make the big move up to high camp. Then, it’s game time. The guys will watch […]
Vinson (Antarctica)
Vinson Team Still On The Move

December 19, 2014 Looks like Mike and team are off to a really good start. They left Punta Arenas yesterday morning and were able to fly on the IL 76 to the Union Glacier at about 80 degrees S. latitude. Then, it wasn’t long before they boarded another flight on one of the Twin Otters […]
Vinson Team 2 On Track

December 18, 2014 IMG Senior Guide Mike Hamill called in today with good news… the team was set to fly onto the ice as scheduled, always a win for a flight to Antarctica. Once on the ice, teams usually head to Union Glacier Base Camp for a bite to eat. If the weather is favorable, they’ll […]
Vinson Team 2 Set And Ready

December 17, 2014 Senior Guide, Mike Hamill, reports in, yet again, from Punta Arenas, Chile letting us know that all members have arrived, gear has arrived, last minute shopping/packing is complete and that the team and he are ready to roll. Briefing for all of the folks flying to Antarctica happens this afternoon (Chilean time) […]
Vinson Team Wraps It Up

December 8, 2014 This is what an IL76 looks like on a runway of ice. Impressive, huh? The IL is in the air and will be landing at the Union Glacier shortly. The team will be sleeping tonight in Punta Arenas. Our travel company, CTT Destinations, is already working on getting everyone’s flights re-booked so […]
Vinson Team Back At Base Camp

December 7, 2014 The team left high camp this morning and made their way back to Vinson base camp.  Big push. The weather was good enough that they were able to fly right away to camp at the Union Glacier. This is where the big Russian jet, the IL76, will land to take them pack […]
Vinson Team Summits!

December 6, 2014 The call came in at 2:40 pm Pacific time on Saturday. 100% on the summit and all members back, without issues, to high camp. Their patience paid off! Cold (as always) and a bit breezy when they started out this morning. However, winds lessened up high and they all stood on the […]
Vinson Team Hopeful For Tomorrow

December 5, 2014 Just spoke with Mike Hamill. He said ‘discretion was the better part of valor’ and stayed at high camp today. The crew rested after a very long attempt yesterday and are set for an attempt in the morning. Margins are narrow when climbing in Antarctica, always better to be safe rather than […]
Vinson Team Shut Down On First Attempt

December 5, 2014 And that’s why they call them ‘forecasts’ and not ‘guarantees’. The team took a serious shot yesterday but the weather worsened and closed them down. Great effort but it was not to be. The team returned to high camp and is now in a waiting pattern until they see that ‘weather window’ […]
Vinson Team At High Camp

December 4, 2014 Spoke with Mike last evening. Remember, even though Vinson teams normally operate on Chile time, which is East Coast plus 2, it’s light 24 hours a day there and they can climb at any time. All’s good with the team. They made the big move yesterday to high camp, close to 13,000 […]