November 28, 2016 Quick update this morning from “the Iceâ€. Mike Hamill got on the sat phone last evening to let me know that the flight in, on the IL 76, went smoothly and that the team was able to transfer over to Vinson base camp soon thereafter. The IL lands at the Union Glacier, […]
Vinson (Antarctica)
First IMG Antarctica Team Ready to Fly Onto the Ice

November 27, 2016 The 2016/17 Vinson Massif season has begun. Only a few potential ‘screw ups’ with arrivals, but at the end of the day, all’s well that ends well. Everyone showed up in Punta in time and with all their luggage in tow. Ideally, the team would have flown in the morning of the […]
That’s a Wrap: Ecuador and Mexico

November 21, 2016 Over the weekend, we wrapped up the Mexico trip and the gang in Ecuador will be flying home late tonight. Working with the Reyes family in Mexico made all the logistics issues down there simple. After their successful climb of Orizaba, the team had a nice dinner (after nice showers) at the […]
News From The South

January 19, 2016 News from the South—-Austin and team got off the Ice without issue. The Twin Otter (aircraft) was waiting for them when they arrived at Vinson base camp and whisked them right to the Union Glacier. It was only a couple of hours before the IL 76 arrived and got them to […]
Time For A Little R & R

January 17, 2016 Austin’s update from Antarctica first – as you all know, Austin and team summited Vinson yesterday (the 16th) and returned safely to high camp where they spent the night. They are descending now to Vinson base camp. A Twin Otter will be waiting and they are expecting to fly immediately back to […]
Ecuador & Vinson Teams Score Summits

January 16, 2016 In Ecuador, Luke and team had a nice summit day on Antizana. They found a way to get past the final large crevasse and stood on top. Great job. Next up for some of the team is an attempt on Chimborazo. In Antarctica, Austin and team were rewarded for their patience with […]
Ecuador & Vinson Updates

January 15, 2016 Quick updates from Ecuador and Antarctica —- Luke and team are at high camp and will attempt Antisana in the morning. Stars are starting to come out. Austin and team are at high camp on Vinson Massif and will attempt to summit in the morning. Low winds and clear. Wish them all […]
Hot Springs In Ecuador; Snow In Antarctica

January 14, 2016 Luke’s team had a good night at the hotel in Papallacta with a big dinner at the restaurant and a couple of good ‘soaks’ in the hot springs. They’re prepping now for an attempt on Antisana. Down on the Ice, Austin reports it’s too warm and it’s snowing too much. It normally […]
A Few Updates From The Southern Hemisphere

January 12, 2016 Let’s catch up with our teams in the Southern Hemisphere. Luke, Romulo and team are ‘barely’ in the Southern Hemisphere right now and part of the day will be in the Northern Hemisphere, actually. They are up at the climber’s hut on Cayambe and taking the day to do more acclimatization and […]
Weekend Check-In From IMG Teams

January 10, 2016 Here’s a quick summary of Sunday’s ‘movements’ for IMG teams down south. Quick call came in from Austin Shannon and team on the Ice. They moved quickly to C1 today. Couldn’t be going smoother, so far. Josh McDowell and team retrieved gear and supplies at C2 and headed down the mountain to […]