December 28, 2016 The toughest part of many expeditions is getting everyone together in one place with all their luggage at the same time. Greg has everyone together but a couple of bags didn’t want to cooperate. Greg has been doing a yeoman’s job of pushing the airlines and organizing ‘Plan B’, just in case. […]
Vinson (Antarctica)
Vinson Team Ready to Go in Punta

December, 28 2016 Time to check in with Vinson Trip #2. IMG Senior Guide, Greg Vernovage, is again leading our ‘holiday trip’. The team has arrived in Punta Arenas, Chile. Punta is the jumping off point for our trips to Vinson Massif, the highest mountain on the Antarctic continent. Gear checks have already been conducted. […]
First Vinson Team Back In Punta Arenas

December 8, 2016 The hoped for flight connections all came to fruition. Down to Vinson base, immediately over to Union Glacier and off to Punta Arenas shortly thereafter. All happened without a hitch. The crew had a final lunch this afternoon and are shortly heading in different directions home. Congratulations, one more time, to […]
Perfect Timing On Vinson

December 12, 2016 Sweet call just now from Mike Hamill. Sometimes things just work out even better than we could anticipate. So, Mike and crew summit yesterday and drop down all the way to low camp that evening. This morning, they descend to Vinson base camp, repack and jump on the Twin Otter and fly […]
Vinson Team Summits!

December 7, 2016 Very exciting news from the Ice. Mike called me late Tuesday to let me know the weather broke and the team was able to put in the ‘first tracks’ for the 2016-17 season to the summit of Vinson Massif. Good weather and ‘relatively’ warm on the summit. The team returned to C2, […]
Vinson: Possible Summit Shot Tomorrow

December 5, 2016 It’s been seriously windy at all camps on Vinson. That was especially true of the last 6-8 hours. Mike called at 4 pm, Seattle time, and relayed that it’s calming now and clearing and that tomorrow looks like a possible summit shot. Signs say – yes.   The team is ready and in […]
IMG Antarctica Team Turn to Wait for Better Weather

December 4, 2016 Guess that’s why they call them ‘forecasts’. Weather didn’t want to cooperate yesterday. Mike and team headed up, but it soon became obvious that discretion was the better part of valor. They made a 180 degree turn and got back to get tucked in at high camp and wait. ‘Forecast’ calls for […]
IMG Antarctica Team Summit Bid

December 3, 2016 Received an exciting call last evening from Mike Hamill and team from HIGH CAMP on Vinson. Mike said the team performed well on this big move day. That’s a big deal. Weather was very good and the forecast now appears good for today. If that holds true, the team should be making […]
Vinson Team, Right on Schedule

December 1, 2016 Spoke with Mike Hamill Wednesday afternoon. Another positive day. The team made a carry up just short of high camped and cached there. Positioning the extra supplies there allows them to move right to high camp when they’re ready for their summit push. Weather was again quite good. Mike relayed that they […]
Good Weather on Vinson

November 30, 2016 The ‘good start’ on Vinson continues. Mike called yesterday afternoon and confirmed not only had the team done well on their first carry to C1 the day before but that, yesterday, they made the move and were putting finishing touches on that camp. He said it was the nicest day he […]