December 9, 2017 (4pm PST) Goods news from the summit of Vinson. IMG members on top now. Basically no wind. Descending shortly. Big congratulations to Justin, Emily and the entire team for a super job. “Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.†Great quote. Hope to have the team off the Ice on December 12th. Phil […]
Vinson (Antarctica)
IMG Vinson Team on Summit Bid

December 9, 2017 The IMG Vinson team in Antarctica is on their way to the summit. The weather is quite good and wind low. They departed HC at 6 am, Seattle time. 5 hrs later on Vinson time. Phil Ershler
Winds Decreasing

December 8th, 2017 Forecast is reasonably good and the winds have decreased down on the Ice. Justin reported this morning that the team was packing up at C1 and going to attempt their move to high camp today. No news is typically good news so we’re hoping the team is continuing with that plan and […]
Patience is a Virtue

December 7th, 2017 Skies are clear but winds still too high to justify making the move to high camp. Infinitely more pleasant to wait out weather concerns at C1 rather than at high camp. First day they wake up and don’t see plumes of snow coming off the ridge at high camp, they’ll be packing […]
Windy Up High

December 6th, 2017 At least windier than we really want right now. That’s the word from the Justin, Emily and team down on the Ice. C1 is super comfortable (relatively speaking) and reasonably protected. When you see snow plumes coming off the ridge near high camp, you think — maybe it’s not the right day […]
Rest Day on the Ice

December 5, 2017 Team has made a carry and a move to C1 and then made a carry up close to high camp yesterday. Time for a break. Plan normally is to get gear at or near high camp, return to C1 and then get in a rest day. That’s exactly what’s happening today. […]
Vinson Team Moves to Camp 1

December 4, 2017 Progress continues on the Ice. Justin called in late on the 2nd to let us know that the team had moved up to C1. That’s a good thing. Justin and crew will keep an eye on the weather and see what makes sense tomorrow – whether to make a carry to high […]
IMG Vinson Team Reaches BC

December 2, 2017 Good news this morning from Antarctica. Weather improved and our team was part of the first wave to fly from Union Glacier over to Vinson base camp. Justin called via sat phone to let me know they were digging out our cache at Vinson base, getting tents up, sorting gear and preparing […]
Hopeful for a Morning Flight to Vinson Base Camp

November 30th, 2017 Late afternoon update from the Ice. Flying remained a ‘no go’ today but forecast now shows weather should turn for the better overnight. The IMG team is first in the que to fly to Vinson base camp so all remain hopeful that tomorrow will be the day. That’s a big hurdle. Then […]
Standby on the Ice Continues

November 29th, 2017 News just in from Justin on the Ice is that the team is still on standby. Weather has not yet said yes. There is still a possibility that they can get to Vinson base camp today but, if not, the forecast is looking more positive tomorrow. Flight delays are not uncommon on […]