July 19, 2020 Lead guide Dallas Glass reports that his team is down safely at Camp Muir after a perfect day and a successful summit of Mt Rainier. The team will continue to work their way down the mountain and will return to Ashford headquarters this afternoon! The weather has been perfect lately and the […]
Mt. Rainier
2020 Guide Training & Rainier Season Kick-Off

July 14, 2020 The start of the Rainier season is typically the first week of May, but this isn’t a typical year! After a 2 month delay, 30 IMG guides & staff came together for our annual guide training. The focus was a good mix of the mountain & Covid-19 protocols. Day 1 was […]
IMG Is Looking Ahead To Climbs Of Mt. Rainier This Summer!

May 21, 2020 The COVID-19 virus has been a serious blow to the country and the world at large. Here at IMG we are waiting and planning for better times to come. Mt Rainier National Park has given us indication that opening for guided climbs may be a possibility later this summer. We are currently […]
Please help the IMG Sherpas

We sincerely hope that all members of the IMG family are safe and healthy during this very trying time throughout the world. This family is no stranger to adversity, as we learned in 2014 and then again in 2015 when Everest climbers and Sherpa were involved in the avalanches and earthquake.  It was a terrible […]
Outdoor Research making COVID-19 masks in Seattle

For many years, IMG Guides from around the world have put their trust in Outdoor Research (OR) to protect them from the harsh elements. We would like to take this time to acknowledge the Team at OR for their outstanding effort to assist with health care professionals and the world in the fight against COVID-19. […]
Mt. Rainier Glaciers, Creeks, & Rivers

March 22, 2020 The Nisqually River flows approx 80 miles from its source at the Nisqually Glacier on the south side of Mt. Rainier all the way to Puget Sound. While the river today is running high and clear from the winter rain and snow, it will become more cloudy as glacial erosion grinds up […]
April Rainier Programs Update

March 18, 2020 While we navigate through these challenging times, the health and safety of our employees and customers remains our top priority. The difficult, but necessary, decision has been made to cancel all April Rainier programs. Due to the fast-changing nature of this situation, we will continue to provide updates on the impact of […]
Prep for Mt Rainier – March 10, 2020

March 6, 2020 Join IMG & REI at REI in Bellevue, WA on Wednesday, March 10, 2020 from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM for a 90 minute presentation on what it takes to summit Washington’s highest peak, 14,410′ Mount Rainier! IMG Guide, Jay Lyons, will lead an in-depth talk covering training, trip planning, gear […]
Prep for Mt. Rainier!

March 3, 2020 Join IMG & REI at Odin Brewing Company in Tukwila, WA on Wednesday, March 4th, 2020 from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM for a 90 minute presentation on what it takes to summit Washington’s highest peak, Mount Rainier! IMG Guide, Patrick Mauro, will lead an in-depth talk covering training, trip planning, gear selection, route selection, and more. This program […]
May & June DC Spots Open!

February 28, 2020 If you were hoping for a chance to climb Mt. Rainier this season, you’re in luck! We have new openings on the 3.5 Day Camp Muir/DC: May 23-26 June 8-11 Send your completed application to office@mountainguides.com! Heather Garland