September 30, 2013 Ang Jangbu reports that yesterday Chewang Lendu, Nima Karma, Mingma Tenzing and Ang Karma made it up to Camp 3 to dig out platforms and get the high camp set up at about 24,500 feet. Then, today, the climbers moved up from Camp 2 to Camp 3, where they are currently resting, […]
Cho Oyu
Cho Oyu Climbers Heading for Camp 2

September 28, 2013 We talked to Kaji this morning, who is holding down the fort at ABC.  Mike, Peter and their team are doing well and they left Camp 1 for Camp 2 this morning. Weather continues to be good. The Sherpas carried to Camp 2 yesterday and they got set up 5 tents. Phunuru, […]
Cho Oyu Climbers Ready for the Summit Push

September 27, 2013 IMG leader Mike Hamill reports: “The team is rested and getting ready for their summit rotation. Today we reviewed the oxygen system again, had a summit meeting to discuss the summit push, and packed food for the next few days on the mountain. We had half an inch of snow last night […]
Cho Oyu Climbers Doing Well At ABC

September 25, 2013 Mike Hamill reports that “with the C2 rotation complete, the team is enjoying a few days of R+R at ABC doing laundry, taking hot showers, and eating great food. Yesterday we had burgers, fries, and salad for lunch with warm cinnamon rolls for desert. Thanks Kaji!  The team is doing really well. […]
Cho Oyu Climbers Back To ABC

September 24, 2013 IMG leaders Mike Hamill, Peter Anderson, and Phunuru Sherpa report that everyone is now back down to Advanced Base Camp after the Camp 2 rotation. They had good weather for their trip up high, but unfortunately we now have snow in the weather forecast for the next few days. That will […]
Cho Oyu Climbers Reach Camp 2

September 23, 2013 Mike Hamill reports that the weather and route conditions were very good yesterday and the team had a nice climb up to Camp 2, where they spent the night. Then, today, they are dropping back down to Camp 1 for another night. This will make for a good acclimatization foundation for the […]
Tibet Trekkers Reach Lhasa

September 22, 2013 The IMG trekkers reached Lhasa yesterday, as they near the end of their 23 day program. Unlike people who fly into Lhasa at the beginning of their trip, then fight the altitude sickness for the first few days, our team will be strong and acclimatized, so they can get out and really […]
Cho Oyu Trekkers in Shigatse

September 21, 2013 The Tibet Trek team travelled east today across Tibet to Shigatse, home of the famous Tashilhunpo Monastery as well as Tibet’s second most populated city (about 46,000 compared to 172,000 in Lhasa). This section of the Kathmandu-Lhasa road feels pretty remote, crossing several high passes. It’s some wild country and has always […]
Cho Oyu Climbers Moving Up

September 21, 2013 IMG guide Mike Hamill reports that it is clear and sunny this morning at ABC and the team is all set for the Camp 2 rotation. Weather forecast is good for the next few days. They are heading for Camp 1 today and then up to Camp 2 tomorrow, where they hope […]
Let’s Talk Oxygen

September 20, 2013 Mike Hamill reports that the Cho Oyu climbers did an oxygen clinic this morning and got packed up this afternoon for their next rotation up the hill. During their rest days there has been a bit of snowfall at ABC, but not much has fallen up higher. Today the Sherpas finished fixing […]