January 16, 2011 Ecuador Phil called in early this morning to report that he and his team have been enjoying beautiful weather and, after a private breakfast at La Matilde. were off to climb Pasachoa on one of their acclimatization hikes. After their hike, they’ll head to Hacienda Tierra del Volcan (12,000ft) where they’ll sleep […]
Aconcagua Team Moving Strong
January 13, 2011 IMG Guide Eben Reckord called in today to report that all is well at their second camp en route to Base Camp at Plaza Argentina. Sounds like they’ve got a good crew down there. They put up camp in 25 minutes in a wind storm, not an easy task. Tomorrow they’ll cross […]
The Aconcagua Adventures Continue
January 12, 2010 IMG Senior Guide, Eben Reckord, called in last evening via satellite phone from Penitentes, Argentina. Penitentes will be the last hotel night for our second Aconcagua team. Today, they begin their trek to base camp, called Plaza Argentina. Three days to get there. Mules support this move by carrying all the group […]
It’s Time For A Shower
January 5, 2011 We received a short email from IMG guide, Kelly Ryan, last night.  Everyone’s off the back and back, safe and sound, in Mendoza. I’m sure the email was short because everyone was in a rush to get showered and out to a sidewalk café for a celebratory dinner. Congratulations to all! Phil […]
Just 18 More Miles
January 4, 2011 We heard from team leader, Eben Reckord, yesterday afternoon. The group arrived safe and sound and without issue at Plaza Mulas. That’s on the Horcones Valley side of the mountain. We like to traverse the mountain whenever feasible and it was just that for this crew. Tomorrow is the long walk out […]
Aconcagua Team Summits!
January 2, 2011 Good news from South America. The team stood on top today, January 2nd. Weather was never perfect but never bad. Sort of threatening all day but nothing ever materialized and the winds stayed low. Just what the doctor ordered for the team to summit. They’ll head to Plaza Mulas on the 3rd […]
New Year Around The World
January 1, 2011 The New Year has begun for IMG with great news from three continents. The last Kilimanjaro expedition for 2010 is on their way home after another great climb and safari. IMG Senior Guide, Ang Jangbu Sherpa, reports that the safari finished in fine fashion. Seeing the ‘big five’ was easy. They even […]
Aconcagua Team Carries To C2
December 28, 2010 The team’s carried now to C2. That’s up and through the Ameghino Saddle and onto the upper part of the Guanacos Route. Nice. These are big days and you’ve got to give the guys/gals credit – they’re working hard. Aconcagua isn’t a technical mountain, at least by most routes, but it is […]
Aconcagua Team At C1
December 27, 2010 Eben called on 12/26 to let us know that the carry to C1 went well. All members got the job done. It’s not an easy carry. C1 is located at just over 16,000 ft so that makes it a good pull from base camp. The terrain is a lot of lose rock, […]
A Worldly Christmas At IMG
December 25, 2010 While you enjoy your Christmas cocoa in front of your fireplace we’ve got lots of climbers out there enjoying some cocoa of their own around the stoves and in their tents. Happy Holidays from all of us here at IMG! ___________________________________________ Aconcagua What would most people say to celebrating Christmas at base […]