January 14, 2024 Aconcagua– Team 2 led by Stu Johnson reached the summit of Aconcagua today battling high winds & cold temperatures. Now they are on their descent back to Mendoza via the Horcones Valley. Way to go team! Ecuador– Max Bond & team were thwarted from their summit on Antisana due to high winds […]
IMG Aconcagua Teams Preparing to Battle High Winds

January 12th, 2024– IMG Aconcagua Teams are maintaining uplifted spirits despite reports of one of the windiest seasons with gusts up to 100mph at the summit. Team 1, led by Tyler Nachand, rose early in the night feeling prepared to push towards the top. The team battled through the winds maintaining a strong mindset but […]
IMG Aconcagua Teams Moving Onward

January 10th, 2024– IMG Aconcagua Teams are doing well and enjoying the good weather on Aconcagua. Team 1, led by Tyler Nachand, shared pictures from their carry to Camp 3, Camp Cholera at 19,587′. The team returned to Camp 2 energized and looking forward to climbing to Camp 3 as their last camp before their […]
Aconcagua Teams Meet Up at Camp 2 (17,953′)

January 9th, 2024– IMG Aconcagua teams are looking strong as they continue to make their way up the False Polish Guanacos Route. Team 1, led by Tyler Nachand, had a fantastic day of climbing yesterday carrying to Camp 3, known as Camp Cholera (19,587′) and will be resting at Camp 2 today. Climbers look forward […]
Aconcagua Teams Move Higher Up

January 8th, 2024– IMG Aconcagua Teams are doing well and enjoying their time on the mountain. Team 1, led by Tyler Nachand, arrived to Camp 2 yesterday (17,953′) via the Ameghino col. The team slept well and were able to successfully carry to Camp 3, Cholera, today, reaching a new high point at 19,587′. Team […]
IMG Aconcagua Team 1 Reaches Camp 1, Team 2 Reaches Basecamp

January 4th, 2023– IMG Guide Tyler Nachand (Team 1) let us know the team successfully reached Camp 1 (16,372′) after a long yet strong day of climbing. Climbers are doing well and look forward to another night higher on the mountain. IMG Guide Stu Johnson (Team 2) finished out their climb to Plaza Argentina Basecamp […]
Aconcagua Teams Continue On

January 3rd, 2024– IMG Aconcagua Team 1 spent their rest day at Plaza Argentina Basecamp enjoying fresh fruits, delicious meals, fantastic views, and recovering after a long trek. Climbers embrace the luxuries of basecamp today while excitedly preparing to climb to Camp 1 (16,372′) tomorrow. IMG Aconcagua Team 2 spent the day making their way […]
Aconcagua Team 1 On The Move, Team 2 Doing Final Prep

December 31, 2023 Team 1 rounded out 2023 with a lovely hike to Pampa de Leñas (9,678′)! Tonight, they are planning a small NYE dinner celebration before carrying on in the AM to Casa de Piedras (10,629′) where they will spend the night. Team 2 is poised in Mendoza doing their final preparations before departure […]
Aconcagua Team 1 ready to go!

December 30, 2023 Aconcagua Team 1 led by Tincho & Tyler is off! The team is all packed up and is out the door from Mendoza. Team 2, led by Stu, is just a couple days behind. All is good in Argentina!
That’s a Wrap on Aconcagua!

9 February, 2023 That’s a wrap on Aconcagua! IMG Guide Keith Rumburg checked in after wrapping up our last trip on Aconcagua to report that everyone is safely off the mountain. Everyone is now home and recovering after a great trip on the highest peak in the southern hemisphere. The team had some stunning […]