May 27, 2021
Several days of nice weather on Denali have allowed our four expedition teams to make good progress. Teams 1 and 2 have both moved from the 11 Camp up to the 14 Camp. This move required three days: first the teams carried their cache up around Windy Corner, buried it (so the ravens don’t find it!) and returned to 11 Camp. Then, they moved up to the 14 Camp.  Finally, they back carried down to get the cache and returned to 14. Team 3, a couple days behind them, have now carried their cache up and are in position to move to 14 Camp today or tomorrow. Finally, the Team 4 are ensconced at 11 Camp and will be doing their carries over the next few days. It sounds like there is some weather coming in over the weekend, so the teams will be building snow block walls and hardening their camps in case of high winds.  So far, so good for the IMG Denali teams!
Eric Simonson