September 18, 2017
The Putha Hiunchuli Expedition Team Members have all arrived in Kathmandu and our advanced Sherpa Team has made it to Dunai! We’re off to a great start.
IMG Veteran Cook, Kaji Sherpa, checked in from Dunai over the weekend to let us know that the weather is beautiful, the flight into Juphal was smooth and the internet is not that great. Thankfully he was able to sneak out a few photos despite the marginal internet! He and our Advanced Team are gathering the expedition equipment and organizing it into loads for the trek in. They’ll be ready to go when the climbing team arrives in a few days.
Back in KTM, Jangbu, Pasang and IMG Guide Mike Hamill are welcoming the Team and have obtained the climbing permit from the Ministry of Tourism. Tomorrow, they will be doing gear checks and having the Welcome Dinner to go over important logistical information for the days and weeks ahead.
Greg Vernovage