July 25, 2014
Just had a chat with Sheldon via satellite phone. At Baranco Camp (13,000’). Cloud deck kept them cool on this long day and it never sprinkled. Perfect. Cloud level will certainly lower this evening and they’ll have spectacular views of the mountain. With the Breach Wall directly above camp, this is probably the most scenic camp on the climb.
A couple of members are calling it quits and will head down in the morning. The Umbwe Route is the perfect ‘escape route’. It’s in good condition these days and the team will reunite at the Keys Hotel for their safari when the climb’s complete.
Karanga Camp, after climbing the Baranco Wall tomorrow, is the next goal. I’ve always thought those couple of hours working up the Baranco Wall were the most fun of the entire trip. Fun scrambling and spectacular views – not a bad combo.
Phil Ershler