May 25, 2022 – Team 4 (led by Nicole Sims) and our Custom Denali Team 5 (led by Willie Webster) have joined the other teams on Denali; all 5 teams are on the mountain! Team 4 flew on to the Kahiltna on Sunday in beautiful weather, and Custom Denali Team 5 flew on Tuesday. All is well on Denali!
Team 1 (Nickel Wood): 14,000 feet
Team 2 (Rowan Steward): 14,000 feet
Team 3 (Keith Rumberg): 11,000 feet
Team 4 (Nicole Sims): 11,000 feet
Team 5 (Willie Webster): 9,000 feet

IMG’s Custom Denali Team 5 loaded in the ski-plane with their gear, ready to depart for the Kahiltna.