September 30, 2020
- Late summer Mt. Rainier ready for a winter blanket of snow! (Anna HIcks)
- IMG Guide Anna Hicks carrying her fair share…and then some. (Nicole Sims)
- Camp Muir with some fresh snow from last week’s storm. (Anna Hicks)
- IMG Guide Nicole Sims with a loaded pack. (Anna HIcks)
We’re happy to report that the 2020 Mt. Rainier season is wrapped. Our final climb came off the mountain yesterday, and our Camp Muir Teardown Team (Rikki Dunn, Anna Hicks, Peter Dale, Nicole Sims, Dan Reithmuller & Jay Lyons) all descended today after two hard days of work battening down the hatches up at Camp Muir. The weather last week was less than ideal (read horrendous), thankfully the storm passed and high pressure rolled in for our final climb and teardown. It’s not often that the end of the season is celebrated with ice cream…but it felt appropriate in the 80 degree weather we’re having here in Ashford.
Tip of the cap to all of the guides who worked their tails off this summer (of all summers) keeping things mountain-safe and covid-safe! It was no small effort.
2021 Rainier dates will be released in a couple weeks. Stay tuned.
Tye Chapman