July 17, 2019

The Elbrus team has been busy on their acclimatization hikes around Terskol and above the Cheget ski area (Jonathan Schrock)
Always nice to have everyone in one spot with all their luggage and actually starting a climb. We love sightseeing in St. Petersburg but it feels right to put on the hiking shoes and start prepping oneself for the actually climbing. For now, that means acclimatizating. The terrain around Terskol is perfect for just that. Weather’s been a little ‘iffy’ but not bad for the team’s hikes. Plus, weather’s often a big ‘iffy’ in the Caucasus. All that really matters is that summit day.
Team will push higher tomorrow and get up onto the glaciers at the mountain’s base and do a bit of review and just plain further enhancing of their adjustment to the altitude. Can’t shortcut the acclimatization process.
All is quite good on Mt. Elbrus!!
Phil Ershler