May 1, 2019

IMG Guide, Nickel Wood, leads the training on the last Denali Prep Seminar of 2019 (Betsy Dain-Owens)
IMG Lead Guide, Nickel Wood, is at Camp Muir with the final Denali Prep Seminar of the 2019 season. The team spent their first few nights on the mountain working on expedition camping skills, moving from their first camp just above Paradise up onto the Muir Snowfield. They’ve hauled their sleds over four miles and now have first-hand experience in the importance of proper self-care (blister mitigation!).
- Working on proper ice axe techniques (Leanne Sebren)
- Denali Prep expedition camp on Rainier (Betsy Dain-Owens)
Today they worked on crevasse rescue techniques and tomorrow’s plan is to rope up for a walk across the Cowlitz Glacier possibly onto the upper mountain.
The weather has been fantastic so far and it looks to stay that way.
All is well on Rainier!
Heather Garland