February 5, 2019
- Loading up the Rig (Robert Jantzen)
- More Food in Mendoza (Leandro Villegas)
Rikki chimed in this afternoon to let me know it’s the best weather he has ever seen on Aconcagua. Let’s hope that holds so they can get into position for a summit attempt and get a good shot at the top. The team is settled in at Camp 1 this evening after a successful carry to the Guanacos Camp (C2). They will move up to Guanacos tomorrow morning. There’s still a lot of work left but the team is strong and moving well together. All things are thumbs up so far for the Rikki/Martin expedition.
Robert and Leo got out the door this morning to head to Penitentes. During the first couple days of an Aconcagua trip, you find yourself packing and prepping a lot! Once you hit the trail, it’s time for a deep breath and the real fun begins. Robert and the team have been busy busy busy and I received an email from Rob this afternoon saying “…gear pack is wrapped up and everyone is in good spirits. Group is working well together.” I like it. They will enjoy their last front-country meal tonight at the Ayelene Hotel, grab a shower in the morning and hit the trail.
Luke Reilly