January 3, 2019
- Almost Out! (Tye Chapman)
- Summit day Terrain on Vinson
Jonathan Schrock and his Aconcagua team are doing a power walk today. Plaza Mulas to the trailhead, then the ‘duffle shuffle’ and then driving to Mendoza. The horses are definitely heading for the barn. A long day, for sure, but made infinitely easier with the knowledge that this team busted butt, endured some ridiculous Aconcagua winds, the Viento Blanco, and managed to pull off a safe, successful and enjoyable summit. That is no small task.
We congratulate them all and will get one final team photo from Jonathan and Tincho before declaring the trip a wrap. Mendoza is in their sights.
And, while Jonathan, Tincho and crew are walking, Austin and his team at high camp on Vinson are resting. A couple of big days have put them at high camp and in position to take their summit shot. No super hurry now, Austin’s just trying to pick the right day weather-wise and strength wise to go get the job done. This is where guiding becomes more art than technical skill —- finding just that right balance. Regardless, we’re looking forward to that phone call from the summit. They’re patient and determined and that’s normally a winning combination.
Phil Ershler