January 16, 2017
- Sunrise on Antisana
- High on Antisana
- Antisana on Summit Day
Rest day after Antisana was anything but….. After a night at one of the prettiest haciendas in Ecuador, the crew checked out another, the Hacienda La Cienega and then they headed north to visit an old friend, Jorge Anhalzer. Jorge’s an old guide, photographer, ultra light pilot and author. The team had a great time checking out the books and the amazing array of mountain photos he has. Then it was over to lunch at Romulo’s house, prepared by his wife, Patricia. On the menu —-cuy. Guinea pig to you and me. Last evening was spent at another hacienda called La Alegria. At that point, we ‘lost’ a couple of members to flights home and the others are now working on plans for an attempt on Chimborazo. Chimborazo is a tough one but they’ll give it their best.
Check out a few other photos from summit day on Antisana.
Phil Ershler