August 14, 2016
- Huayna Potosi (Greg Vernovage)
- Parinacota Summit (Jesus Paco)
Andy checked in from Agua Caliente just outside of Sajama Village. After a challenging climb to the summit of Parinacota yesterday, the team took today to enjoy their success and regroup. The team went to Bolivia to test themselves against Sajama (21,463’). With the climb of Acotango and Parinacota, the guide team had the opportunity to evaluate the conditions that they will likely see on Sajama. Conditions on Sajama will be dry and the climbing would include a lot of scree and penitentes.
The team has decided to head to Huayna Potosi for their final climb. When Andy called to let us know the change in plans he simply said, “We want to head to Huayna to climb on some fresh snow and ice, we think it will be more fun with how dry it is on the Altiplano.â€
Have a great soak in the hot springs you guys!
Greg Vernovage