December 17, 2014
- The ride to the ice.
- Having a slice of pie.
Senior Guide, Mike Hamill, reports in, yet again, from Punta Arenas, Chile letting us know that all members have arrived, gear has arrived, last minute shopping/packing is complete and that the team and he are ready to roll. Briefing for all of the folks flying to Antarctica happens this afternoon (Chilean time) and that they’ll likely be flying south soon. Weather report is currently favorable for flying. Equipment has been picked up and loaded into the plane so all’s in order.
This is a fun time for the group. Everything’s done so the pressure’s off, at least for a while. They can enjoy Punta, think about the upcoming project and have one more hotel night before it’s time to go to work and start sleeping at below zero temperatures. And, what an absolutely ‘cool’ place to spend Christmas!
Phil Ershler