July 22, 2014
Each year Washington’s National Park Fund (WNPF) partners up with Microsoft and IMG to do a fundraiser climb of Mt. Rainier. This year they’re doing two! The first climb wrapped up late last week and was a great success. The entire team climbed under the super moon and summited during a beautiful sunrise. Jules summed up the climb pretty well in her wrap-up email:
From: Jules
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 10:04 AM
To: Multiple Recipients
Subject: 2014 July Mt. Rainier Climbers summit Mount Rainier
Hi there,
It gives me great pride to say the entire 2014 July Climb team, hosted by Microsoft, Â summited Mt Rainier around 6 am yesterday! CONGRATULATIONS! Both the weather and super moon provided us the opportunity to have a stellar weekend on the mountain with glorious clear days and nights.
The guides from IMG, once again, were absolutely amazing. Their preparation and stewardship of our journey from gear check all the way back down to the IMG headquarters was key to achieving our goal. Justin, Sondra, Dallas, and Betsy went above and beyond everyone’s expectations every step of the way. IMG guides are truly masters of the profession! We all walked away yesterday deeply grateful. THANK YOU IMG!
At Paradise, Kathleen from WNPF and her friend Sally were standing with a HUGE banner recognizing our fundraising efforts for WNPF. What a surprise and delight! It gave us all a boost of energy when we were nearly spent. Thanks WNPF for supporting us! Next, we all went to IMG headquarters where climbers signed the 2014 Summit Board and received our Summit Certificates signed by the Guides. From there, all parties continued on to Copper Creek restaurant, hosted by WNPF, for more celebration. There we had even more surprises! We had the fortunate opportunity to have Tushar’s family, Paritosh’s good friend Seema (who was on the waitlist), and Randy King, who is the Superintendent of Mount Rainier National Park, join us at the restaurant. Having welcoming parties at Paradise and Ashford was the icing on the cake! Thanks to WNPF for setting up and hosting our get together at Copper Creek.
Congratulations to the team and all those who supported them.  You are all truly inspiring and the support you’ve provided will help keep our parks around for generations to come.
I am sure the above is a fraction of all the generosity of this event. Please chime in with more.
Blessings to you all!
Jules Dickerson