September 11, 2013
- Jump! (Mike Hamill)
- base camp. (Mark Bellamy)
- Cho Oyu. (Mark Bellamy)
IMG Guide Mike Hamill checked in from ABC. Â This team is doing great! Â Everyone made it into ABC in good time and had a good night of sleep.
Mike said: “The weather is perfect and the view of Cho Oyu and the surrounding peaks couldn’t be more impressive. The team is just enjoying getting settled in, soaking up the sun, and taking in the view. Today is a rest day, tomorrow we will do a short hike above ABC, and the following day will be the Puja.”
I think the Jumping photo pretty much sums up their team spirit. I would say they should break out the net and ball but I think Mike’s plan is better.  This team has some work to do but for now, they are enjoying some great weather on Cho Oyu!
Greg Vernovage