August 30, 2013
From: Ang Jangbu Sherpa
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013
To: Eric Simonson
Subject: Cho Oyu Update
It’s all good news.
Everyone is here will all their bags. Hamill and Peter finished doing the gear check yesterday. We have collected base camp duffels from hotel this morning and sherpas have loaded the gear truck. 3 Sherpas: Chhewang Lendu, Nima Karma and Ang Karma left Kathmandu on the gear truck this afternoon. They should reach Kodari this evening.
- Getting ready.
- Loading up.
We got the visa issued this afternoon. We will distribute passports to members at group dinner tonight.  I will try to take a team photo tonight and tomorrow morning and send it off.
Group will depart early tomorrow for Kodari.