August 12, 2012
- Thanks to Jess, Aaron & Blair for setting up the tent! (Erika Bjornson)
- Sunrise at Camp Muir. (Erika Bjornson)
- Sunset from the Muir Snowfield. (Erika Bjornson)
- Darkness is minutes away. (Erika Bjornson)
Last night after work Erika Bjornson and I jumped in the car and headed up to Paradise. Our mission: enjoy an evening hike up to Camp Muir & to check out the Perseid Meteor Shower.
Enjoy the hike we did. We hit the trail at 6:45pm and made good time up to Pebble Creek. Once on snow we relished the evening breeze and continued making good time up to Camp Muir. It wasn’t until we hit Moon Rocks (9000ft) that we had to pull out the headlamps.
In the end, we rolled into Camp Muir at 10:15pm, popped over the ridge and cast our eyes on the tent that our team had set up for us – a nice perk around these parts! We sat outside for a bit and saw some of the meteors – turns out they’re not in full swing until the pre-dawn hours. We had fun nonetheless – and got a good workout in too.
The morning came, as it always does. We shook the cobwebs, broke down the tent, then fought the urge to hang around for the pancakes and bacon that our team was sure to devour.Instead, we opted (read contractually obligated) to head downhill so I could get back to the office.
All told: 45min driving. 3.5hrs uphill to Muir. 30minutes stargazing. 7hrs sleeping. 1hr sipping coffee chatting with friends. 2hrs downhill. 45min driving. A ton of fun. And back at my desk by 10:15am (give or take).
Tye Chapman