July 30, 2012

Team members approaching the summit of the Breithorn in Zermatt. Behind them is another 4,000 meter peak, Pollux. Members also climbed this peak, of which the trail is just visible. (Photo: Liz Smart)
Guide Liz Smart checked in from the Alps Classics program yesterday. Everyone is doing great and getting in lots of climbing, sightseeing and culture.
So far members have been able to climb the Breithorn  and Pollux in Zermatt. They next traveled to Wengen for an attempt of the Jungfrau. Bad weather prevented them from completing the climb, but the team was able to do a mountain “tour†and then hiked the Eiger trail below the Eiger Nordwand.  The team will split to tackle different objectives over the next few days. Guides Liz and Forest McBrian are taking four members down south across the border to Italy to attempt Grand Paradiso (another 4,000m peak) today.  They will stay at a hut at the base of the mountain tonight, climb tomorrow and stay at a second hut, and then return to Chamonix on Wednesday.  Guide Margaret Wheeler will take two members up on Mont Blanc today and then go up to the Tete Rousse hut tomorrow, climb on Wednesday and stay at a higher hut, the  Gouter, and then come back to Chamonix on Thursday. The entire group will reunite in Chamonix for some additional climbing before the program end.
George Dunn