April 19, 2012

IMG Annapurna 4 team (David, Emily, Jarno, Joe, Eben) near Manang, with Annapurna 2 and 4 in the background (photo-Eben Reckord)
IMG guides Eben Reckord and Emily Johnston report from Humre that the A4 team is doing well:  “For starters the weather is seeming to make a change for the better. After five days of rain we have now had three days of sunshine in a row. We’ve had a chance to dry our gear out and recharge our batteries. On Tuesday the Sherpas made a trail to BC through lingering winter snow and yeterday the donkeys carried all the gear necessary for our expedition to Base Camp. That’s great news for our team and a huge relief. The team have been resting, training and acclimatizing in and around Humre and Manang. We received a blessing from the local lama and had time to enjoy a fine Italian Lattes made with frothed powdered milk in Manang. Along with taking in the sights and building up our red blood cells, we have been getting our climbing systems dialed in. The team continues to stay healthy and is looking forward to making our way to Base Camp.
Wish us luck!
Eben Reckord