October 6, 2011
- Instructors Olivia and John Race and fellow guides in the guides’ classroom. (Photo by George Dunn)
- Instructor Olivia Race demonstrating a tandem lower – rappelling with an injured climber. (Photo by George Dunn)
As part of IMG regularly scheduled guide training we ran a guides’ rock rescue course last weekend in Eastern Washington. 15 members of the IMG guide staff turned out. All the guides agreed the training session was an excellent review of current information, and we all came away with a few new ideas and efficiencies to add to our bag of skills.
Most importantly, we got another chance to train together as a team so that we will be even better prepared when we are next called to respond to an emergency. Course instructors included AMGA/UIAGM certified guides Jeff Ward, John Race and Olivia Race.
Next guide training will be on ice this January in Ouray, CO, followed by a session in May on Mt. Rainier.
George Dunn