August 4, 2011
After a strenuous day on the trail, Peter Anderson called at 2:30pm PDT from our Machu Picchu team’s second camp on their trek.
Peter tells us that they had a good day, though it was rainy off and on. Their challenge for the day was Dead Woman’s Pass (Abra de Huarmihuanusca) at 13,769’ in elevation. The team started out about 7:30 am this morning and while trekking up the steep incline of the pass encountered about 2 inches snow fall as they hiked. Peter said that the snow was slightly unusual, but made for good walking as the cooler weather was refreshing.
Currently they’re back at camp and can see just a bit of blue sky. The team will rest this evening and  they look forward to another great day of hiking tomorrow. We wish them the best!
– IMG Office