November 10, 2010
We heard again last evening from IMG partner, George Dunn, leading the November Mexico expedition. Keep that good news coming, George. High camp was established, weather remained perfect and the team was doing well. One member decided he wasn’t quite up for the summit attempt and remained at the Altimoni Hut. Nice part is that logistics on this trip make it easy for an individual without a health issue to remain at the Hut and not impact other team members.
The summit team should be nearing the summit even as we make this post. And, we should be receiving confirmation of their success soon. But the summit will be only the first milestone this day. Then, the crew has to get down, break high camp, hiking back to the vehicle and then push to the city of Puebla for those much-anticipated showers. Not many groups who aren’t excited about heading for the hotel after a climb, even if it means a long day. Like many things, the pleasure is worth the pain.
Hope to be reporting on George’s team’s success at our next post.