Labor Day weekend has come and gone, hope it was enjoyed by all! Here’s a couple of updates from Kilimanjaro:
September 7, 2010
We love hearing of another 100% successful trip!! Olivia just phoned the office and reported that all members stood today on the true summit of Kilimanjaro with Olivia and our Chagga guides. Perfect weather was the word from O. It’s night there now and all have already made the 9000 vertical foot descent to their final camp at Mweka, altitude 10,000 ft. Now, the air’s warm and thick and sleep will come easy. It’s a short hike on good trail in the morning down to the Mweka gate and pick up by our drivers. Quick shower and lunch at the Keys Hotel and then it’s a pick up for the guys and off to their custom safari. Another great trip, great summit and great people. Nice!!
Phil Ershler
September 6, 2010
Olivia left a message at 7 a.m. (our time) – the team is getting up at 11 p.m. and leaving Barafu camp at midnight for the summit. The team is doing well and she will call back tomorrow with an update!
George Dunn