August, 26, 2010
Guest Blogger Rick Saez from JanSport dropped us a line this morning with a sweet photo taken inside Mt. Rainier National Park earlier this week so we asked him to crank out a blog post for us… Mt. Rainier moonset and spectacular wildflowers (Photo by Rick Saez- JanSport) Derrick and I had a great meeting with the IMG Team Monday. We spent some time getting feedback on the JanSport Tahoma packs they’ve been and using for the 2010 Rainier Season. The overall feedback was very positive as everyone that used the pack felt it is a great pack for Rainier as well as other Alpine environments. They gave us some terrific ideas for improvements too.
We also discussed the Salish and Talus and got great reviews on them as well. We then spent some time discussing future ideas, which of course I can’t tell you about other than to say there will be some cool stuff coming soon!
After the meeting the guys gave Derrick and I a great tip on a short hike we could do with our limited time left that afternoon. We raced up the hill to Paradise and hiked up the Deadhorse Creek trail. The wildflowers were at their peak. I got up early the next morning to go back up and photograph the moonset, which was awesome!
Thanks guys!
Rick Saez