February 27, 2017 Our third Mexico trip for the season is off and running. Senior Guide, Josh McDowell, is again at the helm. Josh met the crew Saturday evening and everyone made it in on time and with all luggage. Sunday was time to get out of Mexico City and head up towards Ixta. A […]
Mexican Volcanoes
Mexico Team Summits Orizaba

February 3, 2017 ‘Just shy of t-shirt weather’ was Josh’s comment when he called this morning from the summit of Orizaba. You can easily tell how windy it is when listening on the other end of a satellite phone call. There wasn’t even a breath of wind on the summit this morning. We need to […]
Updates From Latin America

February 2, 2017 Argentina – Luke, Kevin, Martin and team are on the move. Casa Piedra today for their second day on the trail. This is just enjoyable walking with light packs. Great for the acclimatization, the legs and the lungs. And fun just getting back into the swing of being on an expedition. All’s […]
Picture Perfect Success

February 1, 2017 As promised, check out a couple of photos from this morning’s successful climb of Ixta, down in Mexico. The team arrived in Puebla this afternoon. Tired, for sure, but anxious for dinner and a good night’s sleep. Phil Ershler

February 1, 2017 Summit this morning — was the call from Josh when the team and he arrived back at high camp. Everyone safe and ready to head to the city of Puebla for showers, clean clothes, a little relaxation and a hotel night. Very cold this morning but not super windy. That said, Josh […]
Heading to High Camp

January 31, 2017 Progress continues down in Mexico. Josh checked in to let us know their carry yesterday to high camp was pretty straightforward. Team all performed well. They are heading to high camp now. Weather has remained good, which is more the rule than the exception at this time of year. Summit attempt on […]
Mexico Team off and Running

January 30, 2017 Josh McDowell reports that all is well in Mexico. Team arrived on Saturday AND with all their luggage. Sunday went well with a drive out to the area of Cortez Pass and a chance to stretch the legs, continue getting over the jet lag/flights and to continue their acclimatization. Sunday night was […]
That’s a Wrap: Ecuador and Mexico

November 21, 2016 Over the weekend, we wrapped up the Mexico trip and the gang in Ecuador will be flying home late tonight. Working with the Reyes family in Mexico made all the logistics issues down there simple. After their successful climb of Orizaba, the team had a nice dinner (after nice showers) at the […]
Mexico Team Summits!

November 18, 2016 Back in the saddle this morning for Austin and crew in Mexico. Great climbing conditions and good weather made for a sweet climb of Orizaba this morning. Orizaba’s the third highest peak in North America. Well done, team. They’ll head back to Mexico City in the morning for one final ‘day […]
Tomorrow is Summit Day

November 15, 2016 Tomorrow is summit day — for both Austin and team in Mexico and Luke and his crew in Ecuador. Everyone on each team is at high camp and ready to take a shot in the morning. Ixta and Cayambe are both alpine climbs meaning alpine starts. Teams will be getting up […]