June 21, 2023 – IMGD Team 5 led by Rowan Stewart continues to wait at 14 Camp in inclement weather, hoping for a weather window to make a summit attempt in the coming days. IMGD Teams 3 and 4 led by Jonny Schrock and Forrest Baldwin are at Denali Base Camp awaiting clear weather to […]
IMG News
Denali Teams in Windy Weather
June 19, 2023 – IMG Denali Teams 3 and 4, led by Forrest Baldwin and Jonny Schrock, were both stymied by windy weather yesterday and turned during their summit attempt at 18,000ft. The teams have safely descended to 14 Camp and are in good health and spirits. The teams will rest and descend to the […]
Teams 3 and 4 at 17K Camp
June 17, 2023 IMGD Teams 3 and 4, led by Jonny and Forrest, have made their final bump to 17K camp. From here all the team needs now is a compatible weather window before they push up to the top. IMGD Team 5 led by Rowan is making their final carry and cache to the […]
Denali teams ready to move
June 16. 2023 Jonny and Forrest’s teams successfully cached gear at the top of the fixed lines yesterday and returned to 14K camp. Today their teams are resting and prepping for their move up to 17K camp tomorrow if the weather and conditions cooperate. Rowan and the rest of Team 5 are taking another rest […]
All Denali Teams at 14K
June 15, 2023 Team 5 has successfully made it to 14K Camp where they were greeted by familiar IMG faces from Teams 3 and 4. Today, Team 5 is taking a well-deserved rest day while Teams 3 and 4 look to cache gear at 16,200′ just above the top of the fixed lines. Once Teams […]
Denali Teams Almost Ready for 14K
June 10, 2023 Teams 3 and 4 led by Jonny and Forrest have been patiently waiting for their turn to move to 14K camp, and their time is almost here. Yesterday the teams cached at Windy Corner and took a rest day back at 11K camp today. Tomorrow the teams will finally make their push […]
Denali Teams 3 and 4 On The Move
June 9, 2023 This season on Denali has been nothing but bad weather, but our teams continue to persevere in true Denali fashion. Teams 3 and 4 led by Jonny Schrock and Forrest Baldwin are moving in tandem. These teams are carrying to 13K today to cache their gear before an anticipated move to 14K […]
Team 3 & 4 on the up!
June 6, 2023 IMGD Teams 1 and 2, led by Nickel Wood and Nicole Sims, respectively, flew off the glacier and safely arrived back in Talkeetna. The teams are enjoying showers, burgers, and the smell of trees. IMGD Team 3 & 4, led by Forrest Baldwin and Johnny Schrock, respectively, are moving onward and upward! […]
Denali Update 6/5
June 5, 2023 – IMGD Team 1 and IMGD Team 2, led by Nickel Wood and Nicole Sims, respectively, are descending to Ski Hill (7800′) today and intend to travel to the airstrip and fly off tomorrow. IMGD Team 3 and IMGD Team 4, led by Forrest Baldwin and Johnny Schrock, respectively, flew in last […]
Update on IMG Denali Teams
June 4th, 2023 As of today there has been no change to the teams’ status. Both Team 1 and 2 arrived to 17K camp on Monday and Tuesday respectively, but the weather took a turn for the worse. They are still hunkering down at 17K camp while they wait for the storm to break before […]