December 20, 2011
Last Friday we did our best (sorry you couldn’t make it Becky & Clarissa) to close the doors for our annual Christmas Party. This year, instead of the typical egg nog, cookies and white elephant gifts, we opted to head over the Crystal Mountain for a company ski day. Did I mention how much I love my job?
Moving on, we met up at 9:00am and after the obligatory ‘hellos’ and ‘nice to see yous’ we hit the slopes, some of us harder than others. The morning was spent skiing in small groups with our +1’s on a common denominator ski slope (Queens Run), but before long the ‘skiers’ in the group were itching for the steeper slopes and more challenging terrain.
Lunch was spent at the Summit House enjoying a spectacular view of Mt. Rainier.
Saturday was the typical day of soreness for the once a year skiers but the smiles the day before made it all worth it!
A sunny day skiing was a great way to start the Holiday Season!
Tye Chapman