November, 30 2016
The National Park Service has opened a public comment process on a proposal to install a cellular antenna in the Jackson Visitor Center (JVC) at Paradise in Mount Rainier National Park. After considering the pros and cons to having increased communication around Paradise, we at IMG support the plan to add cell coverage capabilities within the Park. The comment period ends 12/12/2016. According to the Park:
“The National Park Service has received two right-of-way permit applications from wireless telecommunications providers to install and co-locate wireless communications facilities within Mount Rainier National Park. The proposed location is in the Paradise area, within the National Historic Landmark District, and would not require the construction or use of a tower…. The proposed action would allow installation of telecommunications support equipment in the attics of the Jackson Visitor Center at Paradise. Antennas would be mounted on the interior of the east and west gable ends of the non-historic building, behind a special fiberglass panel designed to match the existing exterior wood siding.â€
As a guiding company on Rainier, and as professional mountain guides around the world, we are often called upon to assist with rescues of independent climbers. Many accidents are preventable with increased communication, or could be initiated in a timelier manner, thus lessening the overall harm and complexity should a rescue be necessary.
We know many recreationalists head into the park specifically to get away from connectivity and distractions. In fact we often recommend our climbers keep their phones on ‘Airplane Mode’ to fully enjoy their climb. However, we feel the increased safety that comes with communication options far outweighs the negatives. As long as phones still have ‘Airplane Mode’ and individuals want to get away, finding the joys of the wilderness is still possible at Mount Rainier!
Please visit the NPS Project Planning Page listed below and give your voice to the discussion. The National Parks belong to all of us!
NPS Project Planning, 2016 Paradise Cellular Installation
Robert Jantzen